Shifting my goals


The horror of the “same old thing” is one of the most restricting passions of the human heart.

We wear the word mundane, with shame.

We dread that something be the same as it was before, for to be unchanged, is to be failing.

Without realising, my demand for change diminishes my pleasure and increases my desire, whilst simultaneously emptying my pockets, and my sense of satisfaction.

When I finished high school 3 years ago, I went on an adventure. And I did some incredible things, things I don’t regret doing, and things I will truly treasure for the rest of my life. However, I am beginning to realise that although taking on new challenges and striving for cool, great things is not necessarily bad, for me, pursuing adventures for myself has at times blinded me to the reality of the consistent beauties that already exist in my life.

I have been living a “mundane” “normal” life again for over a year since my trip.

“Back to study” “Back to work” “Back to living at home” “Back to the same old thing.”

And secretly, and sometimes not so secretly, I seem to circle back to a longing to be elsewhere, back there, somewhere different, somewhere exciting.  Continue reading

The Grace Collective presents: GOALS

Are you a new year resolution list-maker? Have you got dreams of making that Big Change this year? Or are you just hoping to scrape through 2016 with some degree of success?

GC Goals

At the beginning of a new year it is a great time to make goals for the days ahead. Get straight As. Buy a car. Travel more. Pray more. Land your dream job.

However research shows that – no matter how well intentioned we are – by July most of us will have bailed on our goals. So where are we going wrong? Why is it so hard to turn our dreams into reality? Is it possible that we have been going about it the wrong way?  What if Jesus has some even better goals in mind for us?

Join us for the GC guide to goals – our amazing line up of speakers will share their stories and wisdom on making goals that are worth keeping.

Wednesday 9 March, 7.30pm at Crave, McDonald St, Kingsland

See you there!

A Journey to Easter: Lent 2016

If you’re looking for something to fuel your thoughts and prayers through Lent, then take a moment to check out our diocese’s latest project: A Journey to Easter.

It’s an online multi-media devotional, which includes activities to complete every day of lent. There’s readings, reflections, prayers, and journal activities, all based around the Sermon on the Mount. The content is drawn from a range of authors and artists, including A New Zealand Prayer Book – He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa, and features uniquely New Zealand photography.


Each day only takes 3-5 minutes so it’s totally do-able. Take the ‘journey’ by yourself or together with your small group.

Check it out at -it’s not too late to start!